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The First Step

Sep 11

1 min read




The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, so here are some thoughts about how Ossum, Inc. is getting started.

It certainly feels like the first step is happening today:

  • Ossum's placeholder web site is about to get replaced with a much more complete version, probably by week's end.

  • After four years of evenings and weekend work, RIDDL is nearing its 1.0 public release with no more language changes planned.

  • Holding up the 1.0 release is the effort to get the Scala Native build to work.

  • The partnership with my son has been inked.

  • Everything is looking positive for launch.

We have made a few decisions recently:

  • Ossum Inc. will be a bootstrapped SaaS company that provides evolving software services for rapidly creating production-ready systems.

  • Our first service will be named Synapify. It is a modern web and mobile editor for software models per RIDDL, our foundational open-source technology.

  • We hope to have our Minimum Viable Product available in January 2025.

  • We want our company to be neuronally stimulating, creatively satisfying, and fun!